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A twelve week intensive study designed to equip new members to serve in the life and program of the church. This is a required class for all new members of Towaliga County Line Missionary Baptist Church . This Class will cover subjects that formulate the foundation of a flourishing Christian life. It is taught with simplicity and understanding, so that you will know HOW to live as a Christian.
As a Christian, especially a new Christian, one of the most essential elements or needs in your life is that of real sincere prayer. Before you undertake to go into the Christian warfare and battlefield, you must develop a constant, consistent and continuing prayer life. During New Members Orientation we will give you some steps that will help you to understand what prayer is and what it can do for you.
Membership Responsibilities
"Faithful" " Available" "Teachable"
The church member has sacred responsibilities. He has become a member of God's family and it is his privilege and duty to play his part in forwarding and helping the cause of Jesus Christ. God has a plan for the world, and the Church member, as a Christian, should fit into this plan. Here are some of his responsibilities:
• Serving . The Pastor cannot do the work of the church alone. He needs others to help him. There are many ways of helping such as ushering, singing in the choir, visitation program, teaching Sunday school classes, holding an office in the church. Remember you are serving Christ and not the Pastor. God gives rewards for your works, not your idleness.
• Learning . You should come to know your Bible well. You should learn how to serve and you should know your church and its practices. There are many opportunities for this through the total church program. You are expected to become actively involved in our Church Bible and Discipleship training classes on Wednesday nights and Saturday afternoons as well as Sunday School each Sunday morning at 8:00 am
• Witnessing . A Christian is always desirous that others would come to know Jesus Christ. We are God's ambassadors. Therefore, our lives should always represent Him. The church offers opportunities for witnessing through various calling programs and gives training to this end. God says we are His witnesses, Christ made known to others by us. Share Christ by becoming a soul-winner!
• Praying . Prayer is a vital part of Christian living. All Christians should learn how to pray in order that their lives may experience its many benefits and blessings. Joining with others in prayer affords a great spiritual stimulus. We will assign you a prayer partner and expect to see you in prayer meeting on Wednesday at noon or at 6:45 p.m.
• Worship . Worship keeps the soul of your church alive. You should regularly attend the Sunday worship services and be faithful. You should be reverent at all times in church. Remember, you are worshiping God.
• Giving . What each member gives is between himself and God. Our church advocates “tithing.” This means giving one-tenth of the entire money one earns to Christ and His Church. We should give cheerfully because God has given us everything in the first place. You are urged to give regularly, Sunday by Sunday. The Church has many expenses and it supports a missionary program. Envelopes will be provided for your use, which help you to be careful and diligent, and which will give you an official record from the Financial Secretary for Income Tax deduction purposes. Remember, tithing is a starting point for Christians giving.